World Report: April 2021
My brain is a sponge. Here is what I absorbed this month. These World Reports will give you some insight into what I've been up to as well as helping me to keep a diary of the various things that have passed in front of my eyeballs and ears this month. It is not an exhaustive list, but it's the things that have stood out for me.
~~~ Books ~~~
The Train to Impossible Places: A Cursed Delivery by P.G. Bell
A middle grade book that checks all the boxes for an adventure in another world. Late at night, a girl in her pajamas discovers a train that travels through impossible places in her kitchen. What could go wrong?
The Butterfly House by Katrine Engberg, translated by Tara Chase
It's been a while since I have read a police procedural so it took me a few chapters to get my brain on the correct wavelength. Once I did, I tore through this story. I shouldn't have read the autopsy scene before dinner.
At the kids table: We've been working through Enid Blyton's "The Enchanted Wood", the first of her Faraway Tree stories. I had forgotten just how imaginative her imagination was when it came to creating absurd characters that also completely make sense for kids.
~~~ Film ~~~
It was a light month for movies as we spent the time burning through Flash and Supergirl.
~~~ Television ~~~
Team Flash and Team Supergirl continue to save the world while also solving all sorts of interpersonal and metahuman problems. I'm glad that I'm not watching these alone as whenever a secondary character or plot line pops up again, I can turn to my wife and she'll remind me who everyone is and why they matter.
~~~ Audio ~~~
I've almost made it to the end of David Tennant Does A Podcast... It's been delightful to sit on the edge of his various conversations for these past few months. I tend to binge listen through one podcast at a time. In the case of this one, season one started well before the pandemic hit so the first few interviews were done in person. Once the lockdown hit, all of the interviews happened over various video chat services.
The Music Playlist: The self-titled The La's, released October 1, 1990 but sounding like some from early Beatles or the Rolling Stones. You've likely heard "There She Goes" just about everywhere at some point in your life.
~~~ Gaming ~~~
The DND campaign is chugging along well over Zoom. No one has died more than once so far...
That's all for now. Drop me a line and Let me know if there is something that I should know about. There are 24 useable hours in the day.